Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Latest: Italy populists denounce both French candidates and other top stories.

  • The Latest: Italy populists denounce both French candidates

    The Latest: Italy populists denounce both French candidates
    (Sarah Parnass/The Washington Post) BERLIN — With the future of Europe in French hands, the continent’s leaders have cast aside their tradition of staying out of each other’s elections and weighed in with some unsolicited advice: Pick the candidate who wants to make the European Union stronger, not the one who wants to blow it up. Hearty endorsements of independent centrist Emmanuel Macron — and the stinging dismissals of her far-right rival, Marine Le Pen — came from across European ca..
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  • Trump gets on the phone to Asia as another North Korea flash point looms

    Trump gets on the phone to Asia as another North Korea flash point looms
    BEIJING — President Trump was working the phones Monday morning Asia time, speaking to his counterparts in China and Japan ahead of another key anniversary and potential flash point in North Korea. Just days after marking the birthday of founder Kim Il Sung with a massive military parade and missile test, there are concerns that North Korea could stage a provocative missile or nuclear test Tuesday to mark the anniversary of its military’s founding. Trump discussed the situation with Chinese Pr..
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  • The Moral Obscenity of Kim's North Korea

    The Moral Obscenity of Kim's North Korea
    North Korea’s menace has been all over the news, including its missiles tests, visible preparations for a sixth nuclear test and its threats to attack a U.S. aircraft carrier and to reduce the U.S. to ashes with a “super-mighty preemptive strike.” Assorted experts, debating how to handle the rogue regime of Kim Jong Un, have been weighing the pros and cons of trying yet more sanctions, new negotiations, tough talk, pressure on China, displays of military might, actual use of military force to t..
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  • 'When I won,' Trump thought, 'now I'll get good press'

    'When I won,' Trump thought, 'now I'll get good press'
    As President Trump nears his 100th day in office, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll found that a historically low 42 percent of Americans approve of his job performance thus far. His efforts to keep jobs in the U.S. is one area of bipartisan support among heavy criticism of his judgment, honesty and accomplishments. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post) If happiness equals reality minus expectations, then we now know why President Trump is so unhappy with the media: His expectations were w..
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  • US calls on N. Korea to stop 'destabilizing actions and rhetoric'

    US calls on N. Korea to stop 'destabilizing actions and rhetoric'
    The United States is calling for North Korea to stop its "destabilizing actions" and follow through on its international obligations."We call on (North Korea) to refrain from provocative, destabilizing actions and rhetoric, and to make the strategic choice to fulfill its international obligations and commitments and return to serious talks," Pentagon spokesman Gary Ross said, according to CNN."North Korea's unlawful weapons programs represent a clear, grave threat to US national security.""Our r..
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  • Border politics: San Diego Democrat Peters says Trump should "stop beating up on Mexico"

    Border politics: San Diego Democrat Peters says Trump should
    Border politics: San Diego Democrat Peters says Trump should "stop beating up on Mexico" By Carla Marinucci 04/24/17 07:24 AM EDT San Diego — As the federal budget showdown begins this week -- amid intense White House pressure for billions of dollars to construct a border wall — California Democratic Rep. Scott Peters of San Diego says that President Trump doesn't get it: that in a thriving urban area that’s home to one of the world’s busiest international crossing..
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  • Burka ban, stopping female genital mutilation proposed by Britain's UKIP

    Burka ban, stopping female genital mutilation proposed by Britain's UKIP
    Britain’s UK Independence Party is taking aim at a pair of Islamic practices in its recently released general election manifesto -- an effort, leaders say, to promote cultural integration and curb the degradation of female Muslims. The manifesto seeks to outlaw wearing full-face veils such as burkas, and also to stem female genital mutilation, a practice that has typically occurred in some African and the Middle Eastern communities but that has found its way into the Western world as well. REP...
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  • Trump's over-the-top, bragging, boastful AP interview, annotated

    Trump's over-the-top, bragging, boastful AP interview, annotated
    As President Trump nears his 100th day in office, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll found that a historically low 42 percent of Americans approve of his job performance thus far. His efforts to keep jobs in the U.S. is one area of bipartisan support among heavy criticism of his judgment, honesty and accomplishments. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post) President Trump sat down with the Associated Press's Julie Pace on Friday, and what emerged was a conversation in which Trump bragged and ..
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  • Trump Pledges 'Never Again' On Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day

    Trump Pledges 'Never Again' On Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day
    U.S. President Donald Trump said anti-Semitism should be defeated and called the Holocaust the “darkest chapter of human history” in a video address on Sunday, following two missteps by his administration regarding statements about genocide during World War Two. “The mind cannot fathom the pain, the horror and the loss. Six million Jews, two-thirds of the Jews in Europe, murdered by the Nazi genocide. They were murdered by an evil that words cannot describe, and that the human heart cannot bear..
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  • Christian Bale on Donald Trump?s ?Dictatorship for Dummies?

    Christian Bale on Donald Trump?s ?Dictatorship for Dummies?
    The Oscar-winning actor opens up about his new period epic ‘The Promise,’ recognizing the Armenian Genocide, and the importance of a free press. Christian Bale’s feral intensity has been breathlessly documented in print, where agents provocateur have endeavored to summon his inner Dark Knight; on film, as the growling billionaire obscured by cape and cowl; and online, with his viral we’re fucking done professionally tongue-lashing tickling the masses. In order to secure his star-making role as a..
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As we enter the new year, let's care more .Big Brawl At Hialeah Apartment Leaves 1 Man Shot .
Hialeah Family Vanishes After DCF Granted Custody of 3 Kids: Police .Sears store near Aventura Mall, Kmart in Hialeah marked for closure .

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