Monday, May 15, 2017

Pizza delivery driver crashes car into Domino's in... and other top stories.

  • Pizza delivery driver crashes car into Domino's in...

    Pizza delivery driver crashes car into Domino's in...
    HIALEAH, Fla. - A delivery driver crashed her gray Toyota Camry into a Domino's on Sunday in Hialeah.When a car smashed into the entrance of the pizza place, employee Christopher Penas said he ran for cover. "Glass hit me, but I didn't get cut," he told Local 10 News.The car barreled through the front window of the store at West 60th Street and West 20th Avenue, coming to a stop in the lobby.The driver was visibly shaken after the crash. She could be seen wearing a bandage on her hand and had c..
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  • 2 Children Hospitalized After Crash on Palmetto Expressway

    2 Children Hospitalized After Crash on Palmetto Expressway
    A portion of the Palmetto Expressway in Hialeah was shutdown following a crash Sunday afternoon.The crash occurred along the Palmetto Expressway southbound between northwest 103rd Street and Okeechobee Road.A black SUV and several other vehicles were involved in the crash, according to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue. MDFR officials say two children were involved and had to be transported to the hospital.Authorities have not released information on the health of the children, or the total number of peopl..
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  • 4 injured — including 2 children — in rollover crash

    4 injured — including 2 children — in rollover crash
    Four people — including two children — were injured Sunday in a roll-over crash on the Palmetto Expressway, according to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue. A Mercedes-Benz rolled over in the south bound lanes of SR-826 near Okeechobee Road before noon Sunday when an Infiniti slammed into it and took off, Miami Herald news partner CBS4 reported. Several other vehicles were involved in the accident. Two children were taken by air rescue to Jackson Memorial Hospital and two others were taken by ambulance, ac..
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  • Venezuelans in Miami gather supplies for street protesters back home

    Venezuelans in Miami gather supplies for street protesters back home
    Half of the 225,000 Venezu­elans living in the United States reside in Florid­a People bring supplies to send to protesters in Venezuela at the "Solidaridad Venezuela" event in Hialeah, Florida on May 13, 2017. PHOTO: AFP MIAMI: Venezuelans living abroad are collecting box loads of items – including safety helmets, gas masks and first-aid kits – to support the crowds marching in their homeland against the socialist government of President Nicolas Maduro. Increasingly violent near-daily pr..
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  • Adam Putnam enters Florida governor race, talks to News Channel ...

    Adam Putnam enters Florida governor race, talks to News Channel ...
    POLK COUNTY, Fla.  (WFLA) – Florida Agricultural Commissioner Adam Putnam became the first republican candidate to enter the race for governor on Thursday. News Channel 8’s Paul Mueller caught up with Putnam as he kicked off his campaign, sharing his strategy to keep republican control of the governor’s mansion. Paul: You’ve held elected office since you were 22 years old, is that more than 20 years now, almost 20 years now? Some would say that has all the makings of a career politician, to whi..
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  • A 1928 house sells for more than $2.5 million

    A 1928 house sells for more than $2.5 million
    A house on the beach was the top real estate sales transaction for April 9-15 in Ormond Beach and Ormond-by-the-Sea. W. Denis Shelley, as representative and trustee, sold 239 Ocean Shore Blvd. to Yan Li, of West New York, New Jersey, for $2,675,000. Built in 1928, the house has four bedrooms, four baths, a fireplace and 8,815 square feet.   Ormond Beach   Real Estate Solutions Home Sellers LLC sold 111 S. Atlantic Ave., Unit 105, to Rose and John Hogan, and Susan Mergel, of Flagler Beach, for $..
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  • Accidente de tránsito en Palmetto Highway deja 4 heridos

    5455 SW 8th St., Suite #240, Miami, FL 33134 Teléfono/Telephone: (+1) 305.499.94.74 Fax: (+1) 305.356.12.97 Email:,
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  • Florida pudiera obligar a Miami-Dade a reducir el costo de sus peajes

    Florida pudiera obligar a Miami-Dade a reducir el costo de sus peajes
    Un soplo de brisa fresca desde la capital estatal parece traer este verano a los exprimidos automovilistas de Miami-Dade, resignados a regañadientes al cada vez más frecuente cobro de peajes en las autopistas. Las dos cámaras de la Legislatura de la Florida aprobaron a principios de mayo una propuesta de ley para reducir en 5 por ciento el precio del peaje en las cinco autopistas de Miami-Dade, a la vez que obliga a la Autoridad de Carreteras de Miami-Dade (MDX) que las administra a consignar p..
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  • Venezolanos en Miami envían insumos a los “combatientes”

    Venezolanos en Miami envían insumos a los “combatientes”
    People pack supplies to send to protesters in Venezuela at the "Solidaridad Venezuela" event in Hialeah, Florida on May 13, 2017. Venezuela is mired in an ...
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  • VENEZUELA: En Florida recolectaron insumos para manifestantes ...

    VENEZUELA: En Florida recolectaron insumos para manifestantes ...
    Caraota Digital / En varios puntos del sur de Florida permanecen recolectas a favor de los manifestantes que protestan en las calles de Venezuela. La organización Venezolanos Perseguidos Políticos en el Exilio (Veppex) convocó este sábado a una recolecta de insumos médicos, alimentos energéticos y accesorios de protección. Las donaciones incluyen máscaras antigás, cascos de seguridad, vendajes, guantes, barras de proteína, equipos de primeros auxilios y gotas para los ojos, entre otros insumos. ..
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Apple tries to prove your AirPods won't fall out .No inoffensive way to say the "n-word," Fla. senator learns .
Ransom water polo sweeps districts, boys remain unbeaten .Hialeah, Florida Reason #39 Why Supporting the Nationwide ... .

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