Sunday, November 13, 2016

How to endorse a political candidate on Facebook and lose friends forever and other top stories.

  • How to endorse a political candidate on Facebook and lose friends forever

    How to endorse a political candidate on Facebook and lose friends forever
    Facebook is a place for making friends, sharing photos, and stoking bitter political arguments that last a lifetime. And while the social network pays a lot of attention to the first two activities, it's rather neglected the third. Not any more: as of this week, you can publicly endorse political candidates on Facebook. There's a whole guide to this process in Facebook's Help Center, but it's pretty straightforward. Just go to the Facebook page of a candidate you like, select the "Endorsement" ..
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  • Samsung faces lawsuit from Note7 owners who couldn't use their phones

    Samsung faces lawsuit from Note7 owners who couldn't use their phones
    Samsung’s problems with lawsuits from alleged victims of overheating batteries in the Galaxy Note7 smartphone could get compounded by consumers suing for compensation of carrier charges. The three plaintiffs in a proposed class action lawsuit in a New Jersey federal court are not suing for compensation for personal or property damage from the at times overheating and even exploding Note7 smartphones. Instead, they are asking the South Korean phone maker to compensate users for the time it took..
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  • Instagram brings stories to the explore tab

    Instagram brings stories to the explore tab
    Two months after introducing Snapchat-style stories to the app, Instagram today announced that stories are coming to the explore tab as well. The company says 100 million people visit the tab each day to find photos and videos from accounts they don’t yet follow. Now they’ll see stories there as well: a rolling series of posts that disappear 24 hours after they are posted, just like on Snapchat. For Instagram, adding stories had two key objectives. The first was to get users to share more photo..
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  • 7 settings you should change on the Google Pixel

    7 settings you should change on the Google Pixel
    Google's Pixel phones are pretty amazing. From Google Assistant, to an outstanding camera, Google has done a lot of things right with its newest flagship phone.In order to get the most from your Pixel or Pixel XL, here are seven settings you should set up or change right away. Use Wi-Fi Assistant Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET To help ease the amount of wireless data you consume, enable Google's Wi-Fi Assis..
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  • Microsoft reaches 'human parity' with new speech recognition system

    Microsoft reaches 'human parity' with new speech recognition system
    Researchers at Microsoft have published details of new speech recognition technology that they say transcribes conversational speech as well as a human does. "We've reached human parity," says Microsoft's chief speech scientist Xuedong Huang in a statement. "This is an historic achievement." The system's word error rate is reported to be 5.9 percent, which Microsoft says is "about equal" to professional transcriptionists asked to work on speech taken from the same Switchboard corpus of conversa..
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Man caught on camera robbing Hialeah Bank of America .On-Duty Texas Police Officers Wore Pro-Trump Hats. That's A Problem. .
Hialeah leader, 'Real Housewife' husband Herman Echevarria dead ... .Americans want to combat climate change. But how much will they pay? .

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