Thursday, September 15, 2016

Teaching the young how to vote and other top stories.

  • Teaching the young how to vote

    Teaching the young how to vote
    Teaching the young how to vote Voters fill out there ballot as they prepare to cast their primary vote, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2016, at precinct 371 in Hialeah, Fla. Florida voters will select the nominees for U.S. Senate, decide whether to amend the state constitution to give a property tax break to promote solar energy, and have a say in who should represent them in the U.S. House. Miami-Dade County voters will elect the county mayor. Various state legislative, school board, county commission an..
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  • 'Rising' lawmakers urge citizens to take action to take back their ...

    'Rising' lawmakers urge citizens to take action to take back their ...
    He said he held firm to his roots of Cuban conservatism. His district include Hialeah, which boasts the largest Cuban American population percentage in the U.S..
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  • Programa ayuda a cerrar la brecha digital en Miami

    Programa ayuda a cerrar la brecha digital en Miami
    Un programa ha ayudado a conectar a internet de alta velocidad a los hogares de 750,000 familias, equivalente a 3 millones de norteamericanos de bajos ingresos durante los últimos cinco años. De estas familias, 96,600 son del estado de Florida, de ese número 22,600 son de Miami y 8,400 de Hialeah, según informó la empresa Comcast Corporation.De los 3 millones conectados al programa Internet Essentials de esa compañía, entre un 50 y 60% son de origen hispano. David L. Cohen, vicepresidente ejec..
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  • SpaceX says it can continue launching Falcon 9 rockets from two other launch pads

    SpaceX says it can continue launching Falcon 9 rockets from two other launch pads
    The recent Falcon 9 rocket explosion badly damaged SpaceX's Florida launch pad at Cape Canaveral, meaning the company’s primary launch site is out of commission for the foreseeable future. But while that pad undergoes repairs, SpaceX says it can continue launching vehicles from its two other launch sites — one in California and another one in Cape Canaveral. That doesn’t mean the company will be getting back to its regular flight schedule just yet, though. SpaceX’s California launch pad can o..
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  • This new plastic fabric could make clothes that keep you cool

    This new plastic fabric could make clothes that keep you cool
    This new plastic fabric could make clothes that keep you cool(c) 2016, The Washington Post.A material inspired by plastic wrap could keep you cooler than anything you've ever worn before - perhaps even cool enough to help kill your dependence on air conditioning. Given this weather, I think the heat-wicking duds are coming just in the nick of time.This summer has been a real scorcher for those of us on the East Coast, and it's made wearing clothes seem like a real chore. A few weeks ago, I made..
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  • OIG: Commercial Crew Program pushed to NET 2018

    OIG: Commercial Crew Program pushed to NET 2018
    OIG: Commercial Crew Program pushed to NET 2018 Jason Rhian September 3rd, 2016 Image Credit: NASA CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA’s efforts to send crews to the International Space Station (ISS) via commercially-produced spacecraft and launch vehicles are facing an array of challenges. This is according to a report issued by NASA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). The findings were underscored by the recent launch pad explosion of a SpaceX Falcon 9 and the loss of the Amos-6 satellite it was t..
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  • Join our celebration of OSIRIS on Sept. 8

    Join our celebration of OSIRIS on Sept. 8
    Scientists believe our solar system formed about four and a half billion years ago from a collapsing cloud of gas and dust. The cloud consisted of mostly hydrogen and helium, but was enriched by heavier elements – contributions from earlier generations of stars that exploded long before. Most of the collapsing cloud went into forming our sun. About 1 percent of the cloud remained to make everything else.In order to understand the process for building stars and planets, scientists must seek out ..
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  • The Only Thing Better Than A Double Rainbow Is This Double Eclipse

    The Only Thing Better Than A Double Rainbow Is This Double Eclipse
    A NASA observatory witnessed an incredible double eclipse this week when the Earth and the moon crossed in front of its view of the sun.  Video and images recorded Thursday by the Solar Dynamics Observatory show the Earth completely eclipse the sun just as the moon begins to cross into view. As the Earth eclipse ends, the SDO footage captures the final stages of the lunar eclipse as well. NASA explains how to tell the difference between the Earth and the moon in the images: In the SDO data, you..
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Sorry, Folks, But Wall Street Won't Predict the Next President .Hialeah Has One Of The Highest Affordable Care Act Signups In ... .
I wanted to quit Battlefield games forever until I played Battlefield 1 .How The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Handles Speed, Scratch And Drop Tests .

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