Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day and other top stories.

  • Memorial Day

    Memorial Day
    Published: Monday, 5/30/2016 FEATURED EDITORIAL Memorial Day All citizens have an obligation to do more than eat hot dogs and potato salad on this sacred day. The parades and picnics and brass bands are splendid. They are the dividends of freedom. And the proper celebrations of freedom. But every single one of us has a duty to spend just a little time thinking about freedom itself today, and the cost of freedom for those who died for the country, and, by extension, those who put their..
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  • Minneapolis and St. Paul's park systems are pretty much perfect

    Minneapolis and St. Paul's park systems are pretty much perfect
    The Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul, are known for many things: bone-chilling winter weather, a vibrant bike culture, an abundance of lakes and regional cuisine that revolves around tater tots, canned soup and melted cheese. Together, these bustling Minnesotan burgs situated on opposite sides of the Mississippi River can also claim bragging rights as having the two nicest — yes, a loaded word in Minnesota — urban park systems in the country per the Trust for Public Land (TPL)’s annual Par..
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  • Randy Burman on His Playful and Socially Charged Art

    Randy Burman on His Playful and Socially Charged Art
    Randy Burman’s socially charged artwork is in little danger of taking itself too seriously. “Other kids would be drawing bombers and jet fighters in their notebooks,” Randy Burman recalls of his teenage years in the 1960s. “I would be drawing storefronts.” Likewise, the glossy magazine pages tacked to his bedroom wall weren’t torn from Playboy; they were the then-groundbreaking advertisements from Alka-Seltzer and Volkswagen. Burman was fascinated with how their visual and typographical elemen..
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  • La muerte ronda a clínicas de cirugía plástica de Miami

    La muerte ronda a clínicas de cirugía plástica de Miami
    Miami es una de las “capitales de la cirugía plástica” en Estados Unidos, pero para al menos nueve mujeres, el aumento de senos o glúteos constituyó una pesadilla que les costó la vida o las puso al... Miami es una de las “capitales de la cirugía plástica” en Estados Unidos, pero para al menos nueve mujeres, el aumento de senos o glúteos constituyó una pesadilla que les costó la vida o las puso al borde de la muerte. El caso más notable le sucedió a la popular locutora radial ecuatoriana B..
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Google Selling Robotics Division Boston Dynamics To Toyota .Hialeah man charged with 57 counts of credit card fraud in Key Largo .
High Risk for Breast Cancer May Be Normalized With Healthy Living, Study Finds .High-Salt Diets May Up Kidney Patients' Heart Risk .

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